A Recent Project. Late Saxon Church....
For several months now, i`ve been working on a SAGA Late-Saxon game board. I`ve created several buildings including a stable, various dwellings and the Hall of the local lord. However, a week or two ago, I decided that the Inch-High need a place of spiritual comfort and the unwashed from the North need somewhere to loot so I set about building a simple church. Now, before I go into the details of the construction, it`s perhaps worth considering the nature of Late Saxon architecture. Whilst they were competent enough working with wood and their steel was of a high quality, working in stone was not really their strong point. There is strong evidence that much of their construction was on top of existing structures (i.e. Roman). So, with this build I wanted to reflect this... The Build. I began by mapping out, on squared graph paper, the form and angles of the building. I marked in where the windows and door would be. I then tacked the plans onto high-quality mounting card and ...